
Founded in 1891, Bowman Park Campmeeting’s main objective has always been to promote the cause of Biblical Christianity through the preaching of God’s word and the teaching of Christian principles.  We would like to extend a warm, Christian welcome to all who come and worship with us on this holy ground.

Our ministry is to invest in lives of individuals to accept Christ and grow in their personal relationship with Him. Our prayer is that they will go out into God’s world and make a difference for Him.  

Bowman Park Camp receives no outside funding and is fully supported by the generous giving of individuals.  We gratefully appreciate the many who have supported this ministry in past years, and continued prayer and financial support is needed for this season and the future.  We have many volunteers who serve as officers, counselors, teachers, kitchen help, maintenance workers, builders, etc. All are critical to the life and ministry of the Campmeeting.